Barion Pixel Holy Bible- New King James Version - Angol - Biblia - Könyv
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Holy Bible- New King James Version

4 690 Ft

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NKJV, Gift and Award Bible Burgubdy
The popular and reliable New King James Version with the enhanced readability of Thomas Nelson’s custom NKJV font is now the perfect gift. The NKJV Gift and Award Bible is a great way to recognize someone for a job well done. This special-occasion Bible is affordably priced for bulk purchases, so it’s a great choice to have on hand for graduations, baptisms, and birthdays, or as gifts for new church attendees. This Bible includes a presentation page, the words of Christ in red, a dictionary-concordance, charts, and full-color maps.
Kiadó Thomas Nelson
Szerző King James
Kiadás éve 2018
Oldalak száma 768
Könyv mérete 140 x 215 mm
Kapcsolódó termékek
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