Barion Pixel Lester Sumrall: Faith can change your world
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Lester Sumrall: Faith can change your world

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Készletállapot: A termék raktáron van

In this book Dr. Lester Sumrall reveals the primary principles you need to know to develop world-changing faith and have it function properly in your life. This is a Lester Sumrall classic containing endorsements by Kenneth Copeland, Billy Joe Daugherty, Benny Hinn and Rod Parsley. Now is the time . . . press into faith and your relationship with God. You were created to rule and reign in life; therefore, it is time to stop letting circumstances push you around. Experience the sheer joy of walking in faith with the unchanging, always faithful God. Take your rightful position in Christ and obtain victory over sickness, poverty, mental confusion and depression.
Kiadó LeSEA Publishing
Szerző Sumrall
Kiadás éve 1984
Oldalak száma 173
Könyv mérete 135 x 200 mm
Kapcsolódó termékek
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